What You Need to Know About Bail Bonds

The process of answering allegations that you committed a crime is one that's very involved, and you'll likely want to be free while you go through it. In the United States, the bail system is set up to provide defendants an opportunity to seek their release. If such a request is granted, defendants are often expected to post sureties that affirm they will come back for trial at the risk of losing money, assets, or property. Should you not have enough of your own resources available to fulfill this requirement, you may need to go to a business that offers bail bonds.

Is Bail Required?

It should be noted that not all people are required to make a financial commitment in order to secure bail. Return on recognizance, commonly called RoR, is a case where bail is granted with the understanding that failure to meet the court's terms will result in the loss of the defendant's freedom. This is a common choice for the court in instances where the defendant has no prior arrests, isn't seen as dangerous, and wouldn't be expected to flee.

The requirement for an accused individual to have some degree of financial exposure in the bail process arises from one of two specific concerns. First, there is the risk that the defendant will commit a violent act or attempt to interfere with the progress of the case in some way. The second is that they will simply not return for future hearings, whether due to neglect or flight. If the court is concerned at all about either possibility, then conditions will usually be set that include a meaningful financial incentive for them to appear.

What Are Bail Bonds?

A bail bond is a loan made by a private company to an individual who has been told by the court to post a surety for their release. This loan is a contract between the defendant and the company offering bail bonds, and it is considered a civil liability that has to go out for collection if the defendant does not pay it. Regardless of how your case goes, you will still be responsible for paying the bond back.

If you fail to appear for one of your hearings, the bond company has the right to send someone to deliver you to the court. Failure to make any required court appearances can lead to revocation of bail and imprisonment. For more information, talk with a bail bond company like Valencia Bail Bonds.
